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School Priorities


School Development Priorities 2024/2025

Linked to Schools of Tomorrow - SoTo

Our whole School Priorities 2024-2025



We have evaluated with all stakeholder groups what is important to us and what we feel we need to develop further at GGA. As a result of this, we have devised the following priorities that we feel we need to improve upon to continue to raise standards at GGA:



Priority 1: Ensure pupil progress and attainment is at least in line with (+/-8%), and does not fall below, national averages in core subjects


Preparation for future:

Priority 2: To develop Pupil Voice & Pupil Leadership skills including through the SOTO Ambassadors of Tomorrow programme.



Priority 3: To investigate achieving the Mental Health Schools Award.


Family and community engagement:

Priority 4: To re-establish the strong family engagement across the school and further develop our community links

Mission Statement.PNG
GGA Mission Statement.png
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