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School Library


With the lifting of restrictions, we are pleased to be able to welcome pupils back into the library.

The library is open during lunchtimes for Y4/5/6, whilst Y2/3 and Conifer class have weekly scheduled visits. EYFS have weekly scheduled story times, when I visit them in their classrooms to read a story.

A big thank you to the Y6 library monitors who will be helping out during the busy lunchtime rush!

With new books being added to the collection, we hope there will be something for everyone.

Happy reading!


We are pleased to let you know that our newly refurbished Reading Café will be opening soon! It is situated in the main playground, and children will be able to use this quiet reading space during their break times.

We currently have a small but wide selection of books on the shelves, from chapter books to picture books, football books to fairy books, biographies and animal books, kindly donated in memory of Mrs Viola who many of you will remember fondly. Read more..

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