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At GGA we take a cyclical approach to the teaching of writing from Years 1 to 6. Units of work take between two and three weeks and are planned taking inspiration from high quality children's literature.


Within each unit of work children will be exposed to the genre of writing; they will be given opportunities to develop their ideas (for example through drama) and they will be explicitly taught word and sentence level skills.


This could include subject specific vocabulary and the grammatical skills required for their year group by the National Curriculum. Pupils will then be guided through the process of drafting, writing and editing their final piece. 



At GGA, we believe reading plays a crucial role in allowing children to access independent learning.


We aim to inspire children to have a love of reading, an eagerness to read to learn and the necessary skills to allow them to decode and interpret texts.


Useful websites

This website has some fantastic resources for helping your child with reading.

This website has a wide range of games to support reading across the curriculum

We expect children to read at home five times a week. Each year group has a rewards system to reward those children that read five times a week. This can involve reading anything – not just the child’s school reading book! Please ensure that you record this in your child's reading record/planner. This should be in school every day.


We also have a whole school reading rewards system. Children achieve badges when they reach 25, 50, 100 and 200 reads at home.

Reading badges

Win a badge for reading at home
GGA Book Banding

Parent booklets

Support and ideas for reading at home

Little Wandle 

Grapheme mats

Grapheme mat


Across the school we use VIPERS as our language for the skills of reading comprehension. The documents below give more information about them.

Parent Reading Booklets

These bookmarks contain questions linked to each VIPERS skill to ask your child into reading at home


 Phonics Presentation


These are the words that children are expected to be able to read in each year group


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