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English at Goldington Green Academy

Through our English curriculum, we aim to inspire all children to communicate confidently, to be discerning and passionate readers and able to create their own views with eloquence and depth; becoming masters of language, and creators of thought provoking and captivating texts.


We cover all aspects of the National Curriculum in Years 1 - 6, and the Early Learning Goals in Early Years. We ensure children develop high levels of phonics skills; grammar, spelling and punctuation fluency; alongside neat cursive handwriting.


All of these skills ensure our pupils achieve high levels of reading, writing and oracy.

By covering a wide variety of genres, we seek to develop a love of reading and writing, both for learning and for pleasure.


Our knowledge organisers for each genre set out the key things that should be included for each genre in each year group.


Each child has two reading books: one of these is a book matched to their current phonic knowledge and one is a book of their own choice as part of our focus on love of reading. The following document shows our colours for book banding: Book Banding


Reading at GGA


We use VIPERS to teach the key skills of reading comprehension in Reception – Year 6. KS1KS2


We follow the Little Wandle approach to teaching early reading.


At Goldington Green Academy we place a great emphasis on reading. Our school environment reflects



We will hear your child read 1-1 regularly. We will record this in your child's reading record/planner.

Please ensure that your child's record/planner is in school every day.


Writing at GGA


We teach writing through a text-based approach. This often links to the child’s topic learning to help embed their contextual vocabulary skills.


We build up discrete skills over a unit of work to produce a final piece of writing. Grammar is taught in context in order to allow pupils to use a broad variety of linguistic skills.


Drama and oracy are used to enrich the English curriculum planning and develop their classroom confidence, vocabulary and ideas for writing.

We will hear your child read 1-1 at least once a week. We will record this in your child's reading record/planner.

Please ensure that your child's record/planner is in school every day.


English Policy

Balanced Arguments and Debates - Knowledge Organisers


Knowledge Organisers

Explanation Texts

Knowledge Organisers


Knowledge Organisers


Knowledge Organisers

Narrative - Year 5

Knowledge Organisers

Narrative - Year 6

Knowledge Organisers

Writing- Year 2

Knowledge Organisers

Newspaper Reports

Non Chronological Reports

Persuasive Adverts

Persuasive Texts



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