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Computing at Goldington Green Academy

At Goldington Green Academy we use technology as much as possible to enhance our curriculum and help children learn key skills.


In line with the National Curriculum, we have created our own progression of skills for computing. Children will learn skills linked to the three main areas of computing: digital literacy, computer science and information technology.


The curriculum will ensure children are competent with Microsoft Office and Google Suite. They will also develop skills in coding leading to designing their own games and debugging errors in their code. In Key Stage 2, they will design their own web pages and learn how to code using HTML.


In the Early Years and Key Stage 1, children have regular access to laptops, iPads and Beebots. They have the opportunity to engage with computing resources during structured lesson time and when choosing activities.


In Key Stage 2, the children all receive their own allocated Chromebook to use in school. They have access to Google Classroom to complete set tasks and submit and save work onto their own personal drives.


In all year groups, children learn the principles of e-safety. When children join the school, they sign an acceptable use agreement to ensure they stay safe when using technology available both in and out of school.


Computing Policy

Skips Safely Net

Year 1 - Autumn

Year 2 - Autumn

Year 3 - Autumn

Year 4 - Autumn

Year 5 - Autumn

Year 6 - Autumn

Year 1 - Spring

Year 2 - Spring

Year 3 - Spring

Year 4 - Spring

Year 5 - Spring

Year 6 - Spring

Year 1 - Summer

Year 2 - Summer

Year 3 - Summer

Year 4 - Summer

Year 5 - Summer

Year 6 - Summer

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